Hi and welcome to my blog! I have had to be on a gluten free diet for the
past couple of years and I remember how hard it was in the beginning for me!
Here you will find different EASY and SIMPLE gluten free ideas and reviews on
gluten free foods! Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Deboles Pasta & Cheddar REVIEW

I love mac & cheese and have had different kinds, and made it my own different ways since I've had to go gluten free, this is the cheepest boxed kind I've found, even though it's still quite pricy.

I've had other deboles pastas (spaghetti and spirals) and havent gotten them since because they are not as great as others I have found.

When you make this mac & cheese, it it looks unappealing, the cheese powder is white and it looks like pasta with glue! But surprisingly, it tastes good! In my opinion, Annies is better though.

Overall I give it a 4/5

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